Decorative ceiling panels cornices meaning

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    Rodriguez’s lawyers claimed in a tortious interference lawsuit filed earlier this month that MLB investigators have bullied witnesses and engaged in a “witch hunt” during their probe. The suit also claims that baseball officials purchased records that were stolen from Fischer’s car, while MLB says it was unaware that the documents were stolen. ESPN reported Wednesday night that theBoca Raton Police Department had re-opened an investigation into who had stolen the documents.
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    The mass — whose name comes from the red vestments traditionally worn in symbolism of the Holy Spirit « tongues of fire » the New Testament says descended on Jesus’ apostles at Pentecost — was also attended by members of Congress and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.

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    But the French-based law enforcement group didn’t specifically mention the four-day siege that left at least 72 dead — instead saying Lewthwaite is wanted on charges of explosives possession and conspiracy to commit a crime dating to December 2011.
    London has been a favourite money-laundering venue forcorrupt Nigerian politicians and criminal gangs. The role ofBritish-based banks was highlighted during the trial andconviction of James Ibori, former governor of Nigeria’soil-producing Delta state, last year.
    « Wash all your fruits and salads before ingesting, » said Dr. Salvatore Pardo, vice chairman of the emergency department at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y. « My hunch is the public does not do this to 'prepackaged' salad, which is normally purchased for convenience and dumped into the bowl since it tends to be free from particles — dirt, sand, critters — one would normally find in locally picked ingredients. »
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    The U.S. shutdown delayed the closely-watched nonfarm payrolls data, normally out on Friday and a key factor in Federal Reserve deliberations on when to scale back its stimulus. The postponement had no noticeable market impact.

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    Subsequent films go even further in underlining that Woody is an object. In Toy Story 2 (John Lasseter, 1999), he is stolen by a collector who wants to sell him to a museum and in Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich, 2010), when Andy becomes a man and puts away childish things, Woody faces being discarded or destroyed.
    “South Wales Fire and Rescue Service will be receiving external assistance from the military. However this assistance will be limited to six crews of fully trained firefighters and as such our ability to provide a service to the public will still be challenging.”
    What exactly happened at Memorial Medical Center on Sept. 2, 2005 may never be known to the public; Pou, still vulnerable to civil suits, refuses to discuss her actions in any detail. The five days after Hurricane Katrina hit the city, and especially the 40-hour period after the facility’s back-up generators failed, were hellish. The loss of power halted elevators, plunged interior corridors into fetid darkness, cut off communication with the outside world and, most alarming of all, stilled the many machines used to sustain seriously ill patients, like those on the LifeCare floor. Toilets backed up until the reek of sewage filled the halls. Temperatures soared, wreaking havoc, especially on fragile and elderly patients.
    Michael Corballis from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, who was not involved with the work, said the study moves us significantly closer to showing that chimpanzees and orangutans have human-like episodic memory « in defiance of what some of us have maintained ».

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    The way the country’s labor officials tell it, federal labor laws are insufficient for the 21st century. They’re absolutely right – but not for the reasons they claim. Labor leaders were actually for the country’s labor laws before they were against them. That was when the labor movement boasted 35 percent of the private sector workforce in the 1950s. It’s only since then that they’ve turned on the same laws, which were unable to prevent them from sliding to their current near-century low of 6.6 percent of the workforce.
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